Terms & Conditions image
Please read the following booking conditions carefully, as they set out the terms and conditions of the contract between you and TRAVEL ITCH PTY.
Please take note that we act as booking agents for the various suppliers of the parts of the holiday that we organize, and as such, bookings for their services will form a direct contract between you and the relevant supplier and will be subject to that respective supplier’s standard terms and conditions.

1) Bookings
By proceeding to book you agree and accept Travel Itch Terms and Conditions and its travel Partners. You further acknowledge that we operate as a reseller of flights and all content is sourced from a GDS (Global Distribution System) or the Airline Directly via an Application Programming Interface (API). Whilst every effort is made to ensure that systems are updated to take into account any travel restrictions that may exist at the time of booking, it may be possible that there is a delay in the GDS or Airline system updating to accommodate all travel restrictions that may be imposed.
By booking the selected flight with us, you confirm that you have checked that there are no travel restrictions, in your country of departure, transit, and arrival, that may affect your booking and that you have satisfied yourself on behalf of all travelers in the booking that you can proceed with the booking.
Travel Itch cannot be held liable for any operational changes, cancellations, or consequential damages incurred by you, or any passenger in the booking, if flights are not able to operate as planned, including any disruptions, cancellations, or changes to planned schedules.
Please note that if a flight is disrupted or canceled due to travel restrictions being imposed, each airline will have its policy in this regard, which will apply to your booking.

Cancellation by You
If you wish to cancel your flight you must advise your agent immediately. Please note that you will be liable to pay the following cancellation charges, including but not limited to:
a) Airline levies the relevant charges. In some circumstances, this may be 100% of the total fare, regardless of when cancellation is affected.
b) Travel Itch charges a cancellation fee equal to 10% of the flight price on any finalized booking. This would be in addition to any charges raised by the suppliers. The refund (less the 10% cancellation fee) can be credited against the client's account in the form of a flight voucher redeemable within one year of the date of issuing.

♦ Full payment is due for the booking if your arrival date is within 30 days of this Invoice
♦ 25 % Cancellation Fees apply up to 8 Days before arrival
♦ 100 % Cancellation Fees apply from 7-0 Days before arrival
- Prices are valid on the day of the Invoice only, unless otherwise stated.
- Kindly confirm all prices on the day of Payment - as Exchange Rates may influence the prices quoted.
- Some hotels might impose a “City Tax” and/or "Resort Fees" which can not be prepaid but are payable directly at the hotel upon check-in.
- Hotel management has a right to request credit card details or a deposit upon check-in to cover and guarantee any incidental costs that may be incurred during your stay.
- 100 % Cancellations may apply once the invoice is issued.
- Travel Insurance is strongly recommended.
- No Refunds for partial cancellation of accommodation/services
- By submitting payment to TRAVEL ITCH, clients accept our Company's Standard Terms & Conditions as set out on our website.
- By submitting payment to TRAVEL ITCH, clients accept our Suppliers' Terms & Conditions as per the booking confirmation.
- Hotel standards may vary between countries, and it is advisable to discuss recommendations with one of our consultants.
- TRAVEL ITCH strongly recommends clients consult Tripadvisor.com or similar websites to establish whether the accommodation booked, meets your specific requirements.

2) Price Changes
a) The costs associated with the travel arrangements are not always stable, and currency movements can fluctuate. It is impossible to predict these movements in advance. When you book travel arrangements through us, we reserve the right to pass on any fluctuations and surcharges to you until full payment is received.
b) Peak season surcharges and block-out dates may apply.
c) Airfares are subject to the prices and conditions quoted by the particular airlines and cannot be guaranteed by Travel Itch. The onus is on the agent & the passenger to check that there have been no changes in these prices before making the final payment thereof.
d) Should the client make a group reservation and subsequently the group numbers deviate from the minimum number required for the booking, Travel Itch reserves the right to re-cost the price and raise a surcharge. Should any client refuse to accept and pay such surcharge, it may result in cancellation of the booking.

3) Methods of Payment
a) Credit Cards: Payment may be made using Visa or Mastercard only via our secure online payment portal.
b) Cash or EFT Transfers: We accept EFT transfers or cash deposited into one of our bank accounts subject to the condition that proof of payment or transfer is provided to ourselves and such payment has been confirmed as received by ourselves.

4) Insurance
It is strongly advised that all clients take out adequate insurance cover such as cancellation due to illness, worldwide epidemics such as SARS, Coronavirus, etc, accident or injury, personal accident, and personal liability, and loss of or damage to baggage and sports equipment. Travel Itch will not be responsible or liable if the client fails to take adequate insurance coverage. Should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason; the client will have recourse against the insurers only. Please note that various credit card companies offer limited levels of travel insurance, which Travel Itch does not consider sufficient cover for international travel. Kindly check with the respective credit card companies to obtain specific details of the cover as this is your responsibility.

5) Flight and Other Travel Timings
Flight timings are provided by airlines and are subject to Air Traffic Control restrictions. All means of transportation are subject to weather conditions, the need for constant maintenance, and the ability of passengers to check in on time. There is no guarantee that flights will depart at the times stated in any itinerary or tickets that you receive. All timings are estimates only, and we do not accept any liability for any delay, however arising, or for any schedule alterations.

6) Flight Reconfirmation
It is your responsibility to ensure that you reconfirm the departure date and times of all your flights at least 72 hours before departure. This is particularly important in respect of subsequent journeys once leaving South Africa and Travel Itch hereby specifically excludes any liability for any delay and/or loss as a result of your failure to reconfirm any flight and/or connecting flight.

7) Documents
a) Documents (vouchers, itineraries, etc.) are only prepared on receipt of full payment of your travel arrangements and will be ready within 24 hours after payment has been received and cleared in our bank account.
b) It is important that you check all details of your travel documents, including your itinerary. If there are any inaccuracies on any of your travel documents, or should you have any further queries, you should contact your travel agent immediately. Travel Itch will not be liable for any delay and/or loss occasioned as a result of any inaccuracies on any travel documents once you are in receipt thereof.

8) Unscheduled Extensions
In the unlikely event of there being an unscheduled extension to your travel arrangements caused by flight delays, bad weather, strikes, or any other cause that is beyond the control of Travel Itch, it is understood that the expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions, (hotel accommodation, airline costs, car hire, transfers, etc.), will be for your account. Travel Itch accepts no liability for changes, omissions, or delays before or during your travel arrangements occasioned by technical difficulties, weather conditions, strikes, epidemics communication breakdowns, or the like.

9) Changes by You
a) If you wish to make a change to your booking, we will endeavor to assist you in making the change wherever this is possible. You will need to pay all charges, of whatever kind, imposed by the suppliers providing that part of your travel arrangements when amending a booking any time before departure. Fares will be re-quoted at the time of amendment.
b) After departure it is understood that extra expenses incurred as a result of any change will be for the passenger’s account, and any unused service will not be refunded.
c) Amendments and cancellations en route must be made with our operators directly.

10) Cancellation by You
If you wish to cancel your flight/package booking you must advise your agent immediately. Please note that you will be liable to pay the following cancellation charges, including but not limited to:
a) Where your booking includes a special fare, the airline levies the relevant charges. In some circumstances, this may be 100% of the total fare, regardless of when cancellation is affected.
b) Where your booking is for a package, you will be responsible for all cancellation charges relating to the various components, of whatsoever nature, imposed by the suppliers providing the parts of such travel arrangements.
Travel Itch charges a cancellation fee equal to 10% of the package price on any finalized booking. This would be in addition to any charges raised by the suppliers and will be credited against the client's account in the form of a flight voucher redeemable within one year of the date of issuing.

11) Our Right to Change Your Travel Arrangements
a) A significant change to your travel arrangements would include a change in the departure date from South Africa; where the flight times are changed by more than 12 hours or a change to a lower standard of accommodation to that which is booked.
b) Every effort is made by us to adhere to confirmed itineraries; however, we reserve the right to make changes to your travel arrangements should it become necessary to do so.

12) Airline Refund Procedures
a) Refund policies of the various airlines vary between airlines. Tickets returned to us, will be presented to the relevant airline for assessment. Should a refund be authorized, such a refund will be made to you, less any cancellation or administration charges.
b) Partly used tickets will be refunded at less than the pro rata rate on the face value of such tickets.
c) Refunds may take up to 10 weeks to process although this time frame cannot be guaranteed by Travel Itch.
d) Unused tickets must be returned to Travel Itch for a refund within one year from the date of issue or they will be regarded as expired by the airline and have no refund value.

13) Service Fee
These fees cover the costs incurred by us in booking and servicing your travel reservation. We also reserve the right to charge an additional service fee for any additional services rendered, such as cancellation requests or changes to your booking.
14) Amendment Fees
An amendment fee per Booking may be levied for any changes to the confirmed itinerary and or ticket. The Travel Agent’s amendment fee is charged in addition to any amendment fees which may be charged by the relevant Principal.
15) Passports, Visas and Health
The client entirely must ensure that all passports and visas are current, valid, and obtained on time and that any vaccinations, inoculations, prophylactics (e.g. for malaria), and the like, and proof thereof where required, have been obtained. Passports must be valid for 6 months after return to South Africa. Please check the requirements before traveling.
Travel Itch is not assuming any obligation or liability and the client indemnifies Travel Itch against any consequences of non-compliance. The client must familiarise him/herself with the inherent dangers of and mental and/or physical condition required for the proposed travel arrangements. The client must ensure that the details supplied to Travel Itch mirror those details shown on their passport for international travel and ID documents for local travel.

16) General Information
a) Taxes: Travel Itch will advise you of all mandatory taxes, which you must pay before departure. However, many countries charge departure taxes that can only be paid locally. It is therefore recommended that you retain sufficient local currency to meet such charges. Details of departure taxes can be obtained from the relevant airline when you reconfirm your flight details.
b) Special requests: We can pass on any special requests that you may wish to make at the time of booking, but acceptance of such requests is at the discretion of the airline or other supplier and in no circumstances, are special requests guaranteed. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier, or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation, is not confirmation that the request will be met.
c) Medical Problems: If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability that may affect your holiday, you need to give us full details in writing at the time of booking. If we reasonably feel unable to properly accommodate the particular needs of the person concerned, we reserve the right to decline their reservation. We reserve the right to cancel the reservation should we become aware of any such medical problem or disability which has not been disclosed.
d) Renovations: Hotels undergo renovations from time to time and take all possible steps to limit the disruption to their guests. We will not entertain complaints or requests for refunds if a hotel is carrying out renovations whilst a guest is a resident. If we are specifically advised of renovation work, dates may be provided. It is important to remember that these are subject to change, and we are not always notified.
e) Charges to your credit card: Any charges made to your credit card whilst away are your responsibility. Travel Itch will not be responsible, nor accept responsibility for having these charges reversed or corrected upon return to South Africa.
f) Driver's Licence: Even if you have obtained an international driver’s license, please take your national driver’s license with you.
g) Confidentiality: Subject to statutory constraints or compliance with an order of the court, Travel Itch undertakes to deal with all client information of a personal nature on a strictly confidential basis.

17) Force Majeure
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, we regret we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected, or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss, as a result of “force majeure”. In these Booking Conditions, “force majeure” means any event that we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid.
Such events may also include war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity or actual threatened terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, epidemics such as SARS, Coronavirus, and the like, fire and all similar events outside our control.
In the unlikely event that your flight gets canceled due to the above reasons, Travel Itch reserves the right to withhold an amount agreed to between the client and the agent (between 8 - 10%, of the package price) which will be credited against the clients account in the form of a flight voucher redeemable within one year of the date of issuing.
Should any other travel component be confirmed by Travel Itch and this component is canceled by the supplier for whatsoever reason, then in such instances, Travel Itch will accept no liability for the cancellation thereof.

18) Responsibility and Limitation of Liability
Travel Itch acts as an agent only for local and international ground operators and airlines and accordingly accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay, or any other irregularity howsoever arising. Travel Itch makes every effort to ensure that all the arrangements and services connected with a passenger’s itinerary will be carried out as specified and most efficiently and effectively as possible. However, we do not have direct control over the provision of services by suppliers and, whilst they are in all cases selected with the utmost care, we do not accept liability for errors and omissions of such suppliers.
The contract in use by such suppliers (which is often constituted by the ticket Issued by the Principal) or their respective terms and conditions, shall constitute the sole contract between the supplier and the client, and any right of recourse the client may have, will be solely against the supplier.

19) Legal
This document constitutes the sole record of the agreement between the parties. No party shall be bound by any representation, warranty, or promise of the like not recorded herein. Client acknowledges that he/she has not relied on any matter or thing stated on behalf of Travel Itch or otherwise that is not included herein.

20) COVID-19
Please take note that we are unable to provide any advice relating to the COVID-19 virus and therefore shall not be liable for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by COVID-19, and shall not be liable for any damage, losses, and expenses suffered as a result of sickness, quarantine, weather conditions, or any other cause outside our control.
It is the traveler's responsibility at all times to ensure that they are compliant with all the applicable Government regulations under the Disaster Management Act for COVID-19.
Please note that should you fail to adhere to these regulations, and such failure results in a loss in respect of the booking, we shall not be liable for such loss.

21) Protection of Personal Information
We undertake not to disclose your personal information unless it is legally or contractually required to do so. We agree to use all reasonable efforts to ensure your personal information in our possession is kept confidential, stored securely, and processed in terms of POPI.

22) Social Media
You agree that your use of our social media pages which include but are not limited to Facebook pages, Instagram, and Twitter, will not be defamatory, unlawful, obscene, offensive, hateful, abusive, inflammatory, threatening, invasive of anyone’s privacy, or otherwise contain objectionable comments and/or content. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, being a transsexual person, or age.
We reserve the right to remove any comment, thread, or content without prior warning to you. We also reserve the right to bring legal proceedings against any individual for a breach of these rules or law generally or take such other action as we reasonably deem appropriate.

23) Feedback
If you are dissatisfied with us or your travel booking, you must submit your complaint to us via email within 96 (ninety-six) hours of returning from your travel, for us to investigate the complaint efficiently and to ensure that we are provided with a fair opportunity to rectify the situation and mitigate any losses or damage. Any third-party claims must be made directly with the Third Party Service Provider of the travel product supplied. Stolen or lost luggage must be reported to the airline before leaving the airport.

24) Client Communication Policy
To ensure seamless and efficient service, our policy dictates that clients work directly with their assigned Travel Agent. No Travel Agent is permitted to share internal consortium communications with clients. This ensures:
- Clear communication channels
- Accurate information exchange
- Enhanced client support
Direct agent-client interaction allows us to maintain confidentiality, consistency, and quality of service.